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Month: January 2024

Mountain scenery

The historic route between Le Locle and Hauts-Geneveys

Some interesting routes cross the Jura Neuchâtelois and some have an exciting history. Even if they do not have the.

Mountain scenery

On the heights of La Chaux-de-Fonds

This is a snowshoeing trip we did in the mountains of Neuchâtel when conditions were still right. The snow has.

Mountain scenery

From Renan to La Chaux-de-Fonds in the snow

Here is another short hike in the Neuchâtel mountains, even if the start is on the territory of the canton.

Mountain scenery

A walk between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Crêt-du-Locle

To get to Crêt-du-Locle, or even further to Le Locle on foot from La Chaux-de-Fonds, you may be tempted to.

Mountain scenery

Between Macolin and Neuveville in changing weather

I have a lot of memories of Macolin, having spent a fair amount of time there in my youth during.

Mountain scenery

The Engelberg Aa Gorge

As there was little snow and the weather forecast was not too bad, I set out to go for a.