On the Via Berna Bellelay to Tramelan
When I looked at the map of Swissmobile, I discovered that there was a long-distance hike route across Switzerland between.
When I looked at the map of Swissmobile, I discovered that there was a long-distance hike route across Switzerland between.
The Breccaschlund is a magnificent destination in the Fribourg Prealps. Behind the Lac Noir open three marked valleys. The most.
For this hike, I had decided to change the destination a bit to go to the Gruyère mountains. And I.
The Gantrisch is a summit, but also a region to which the summit gave its name. This region extends between.
Before talking about the hike of that day, I must clarify a point in relation to this destination. The Vully.
If we look at the national map online and display the network of marked trails, we realize that there are.
Between the Col des Roches and the Brévine, the national border follows the ridge for a good length passing by.
A little over two weeks ago, I hiked between La Sagne and Chambrelien via Mont Racine and Grande Sagneule. The.