The Jura chain, at the lower end of the Saint-Imier valley, has a rather complex morphology. Indeed, the Suze, which down to Sombeval in a straight-line flows, crosses two chasms before reaching Boujean. As a result, the first foothills of the Jura that overlook the Swiss Plateau do not necessarily offer the best views of the Alps. In contrast with the small chain that runs along the Tavanne valley. Indeed, from Montoz and the Werdtberg, you have a good view of the plateau and the rest of the Jura chain.
From the Malleray station, we first went to Bévilard before starting up the hill that leads to the crest. The trail, which is quite steep in places, follows a stretch of paved road before continuing through the woods. When one reaches the pastures, it is worth going a little way off the trail to reach the Montoz summit. Although partly wooded, the view from this summit is quite clear to the east.
Following the marked trail to the west, one soon passes the Malleray farm and the Werdtberg inn. The view from here to the Chasseral is quite clear, although it is somewhat spoilt by the presence of the Tscharner quarry, which is used by the Reuchenette cement works.
From the Werdtberg, we followed the marked trail down to Tavannes. When we arrived in Tavannes, we went to the Source de la Birse instead of getting back on the train. From the Source de la Birse, it is worth going a little way up the old road to the Pierre Pertuis pass. You then cross under the arch, which is partly natural, and give the pass its name. The front of the arch has a Roman inscription that attests to the importance of the mountain pass at that time.
I remember that when I was a child, there were often announcements on the radio in winter telling motorists to use snow chains to cross the Pierre Pertuis pass. With climate change and the fact that there is less snow, and the opening of the Transjurane, we no longer hear about this.
In the descent of the Col de Pierre Pertuis, one follows the railway line for a short while, which after crossing the tunnel, descends along the hillside and finally makes a wide turn to return to the train station Sonceboz-Sombeval.
Route: Malleray – Bévilard – Montoz – Werdtberg – Tavannes – Col de Pierre Pertuis – Sonceboz-Sombeval
Distance: 17.5Km
Elevation gain: 830m
Duration: 5h30