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Snoeshoes tour

Mountain scenery[

The hut of La Sarouche

For this destination in the mountains of the Pays d’en Haut, it had been planned with the group to leave.

Mountain scenery[

Monts Chevreuils

The destination that I am going to present to you here is interesting in many ways. It is a summit.

Mountain scenery

The Crêt de la Neuve starting from Marchissy

Following my attempt, the previous month (see Les Echadex – Destination Montagne), I decided to try this hike again. Meanwhile,.

Mountain scenery

Les Echadex

I had often gone for a hike in this sector of the Jura Vaudois, whether without snow, or in winter.

Mountain scenery

Les Frasses

The toponym of Frasse is quite common in French-speaking Switzerland and neighbouring France and it can have two meanings: either.

Mountain scenery

The Crêt de la Neuve

Should we say La Neuve or A Neuve? I couldn’t find a plausible explanation. Anyway, the summit located right next.

Mountain scenery

Pré Nouveau and Mont RouxLe Pré Nouveau and Mont Roux

Here is a short hike that I have done many times, especially in the winter. This takes place in a.