Following my attempt, the previous month (see Les Echadex – Destination Montagne), I decided to try this hike again. Meanwhile, a strong thaw had seriously melted the snowpack. So, this time I went without snowshoes.
From Marchissy, I followed the same route to the Echadex, especially taking the shortcuts of the Route des Montagnes. After passing the Echadex hut, I followed the road to leave it a little higher and follow the forest path which leads very close to the Perroude de Marchissy. At this hut (which serves as a refreshment bar in summer), one joins the Crêtes du Jura route. Just follow it to climb the Crêt de la Neuve.
From the summit, it is worth following a small path, vaguely marked in green, which descends the steep slope below the summit and leads back to the official path and further on to the Petit Pré de Rolle. Further down, I did not opt for the officially marked path, nor the route marked in green and leading to Saint-George. I simply followed the road to pass by Les Frasses.
Further down, in a bend, I then took a good forest path leading to Reguéla and further down, to Goncerue. Following the road, it does not take long to reach the Pré de la Grillette. A little lower, one can follow a small path leading directly to the starting point.
Itinerary: Marchissy (Forest Center) – La Pouilleuse – Les Chenevières – Sur les Fornets – Les Echadex – Perroude de Marchissy – Crêt de la Neuve – Petit Pré de Rolle – Les Frasses – La Reguéla – La Goncerue – La Grillette – Marchissy Distance: 14.5km Altitude gain: 670m Duration: 4h30