Another day on the Gantrisch panoramic trail
The Gantrisch is both a region and a mountain. The mountain is located along the first ridge of the Prealps.
The Gantrisch is both a region and a mountain. The mountain is located along the first ridge of the Prealps.
Why do I talk about the “top of Gantrisch”? The reason is that the toponym Gantrisch designates not only a.
The Gantrisch panoramic trail is a route along the long and wooded ridge at the front of the homonymous range..
The Breccaschlund is a magnificent destination in the Fribourg Prealps. Behind the Lac Noir open three marked valleys. The most.
For this hike, I had decided to change the destination a bit to go to the Gruyère mountains. And I.
The Gantrisch is a summit, but also a region to which the summit gave its name. This region extends between.