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The follow-up from Romont to Moudon

Another stage on the trail to Saint-Jacques is the one that connects Romont to Moudon. Many people have certainly passed.


Between Fribourg and Romont

I told myself that for once, I could undertake one or two stages of the track to Saint Jacques de.


Emme and Ilfis

And another day along the Trans-Swiss-Trail. Here, this relatively short and flat stage simply follows the Emme between Lützelflüh and.


Uphill and downhill

And one more day along the “Trans Swiss Trail”. The day before, we reached Worb where we spent the night..


Along the Aar

After the first few days along the “Trans Swiss Trail”, we continued the journey, this time starting from Bern. This.


Between the Sense and Bern

The stretch of the Trans Swiss Trail arriving in the city of Bern plans to start from Laupen, therefore already.


Between the lakes and the Sense

The next leg of the Trans Swiss Trail is planned to start from Murten to reach Laupen, just across the.


Along Lake of Neuchâtel

A few years ago, the Suissemobile Foundation started to promote long-distance hiking routes. At first, I was a little skeptical,.

Mountain scenery

The climb to Routia

When one goes up Valais, whether by car or by train, one will certainly notice the large, slightly tortured rock.

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