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The Geneva vineyards and the Haute Chaîne du Jura

The canton of Geneva, even if it is not strictly speaking mountainous, offers beautiful hikes. Especially in the off-season, it.


Across the border at Sézegnin

This hike was inspired by the book “Guide de la découverte du patrimoine transfrontalier”, Slatkine editions, 2002 (out of print)..

Mountain scenery

Les Frasses

For this hike, I had followed the same route as the previous month. Even though I could have found snow,.

Mountain scenery

The Crêt de la Neuve starting from Marchissy

Following my attempt, the previous month (see Les Echadex – Destination Montagne), I decided to try this hike again. Meanwhile,.

Mountain scenery

Les Echadex

I had often gone for a hike in this sector of the Jura Vaudois, whether without snow, or in winter.

Mountain scenery

Les Frasses

The toponym of Frasse is quite common in French-speaking Switzerland and neighbouring France and it can have two meanings: either.

Mountain scenery

The Crêt de la Neuve

Should we say La Neuve or A Neuve? I couldn’t find a plausible explanation. Anyway, the summit located right next.

Mountain scenery

Pré Nouveau and Mont RouxLe Pré Nouveau and Mont Roux

Here is a short hike that I have done many times, especially in the winter. This takes place in a.

Mountain scenery

The site of the dinosaur’s tracks

I had not been to the Emosson le Vieux dam since a long time. In other words, the last time.

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